I would like to invite you to ONLINE LIVE HS/MS Sunday at 7pm for my message & then Life Groups will be after at 7:30pm on the Zoom Video Chat app below. The message will be happening here on this page! -Student Director
Life Group Sign up: Register if you haven't already, groups will start Sunday at 7:30pm! To register- click here
Life Group Video Chats on Zoom for Students: Please download Zoom app if you haven't already- click here
Life Group Daily devotionals: To view the devotionals starting in Life Groups on Aug 20 on the YouVersion Bible App & Bible.com- click here
No two worlds seem further apart than the worlds of science and faith. In fact, sometimes the two seem so far apart that it feels like we have to pick a side. But are science and faith really as far from each other as we’ve been led to believe? In this series, we’ll discover that the more we learn about the way the world works, the more we’ll learn about the One behind it all.
As of March 13th our student programs will no longer be meeting in the building here at Living Faith as a precautionary measure against the COVID-19 virus until further notice. At the same time we care about connection and we want to continue to help you grow in your faith.
Cancelled- All students programs that occur onsite at Living Faith.